Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

The Pillers Of wudu'


The pillars of ritual ablution are six, namely:
1.      Having Intention when cleaning face.
2.      Cleansing  face
3.      Wash your hands till elbows.
4.      Sweeping some heads.
5.      Clean both feet till ankles.
6.      Orderly of something is mentioned.

The extra of ritual ablution are ten, namely:
Reading Basmalah, and Washing palms before entering to container and the rinse and the slurp the water into the nose and Sweeping all of heads and Sweeping of ears by new water, outside and inside and Thrust of thick beards and Thrush between fingers of hands and feet and beat to the right than left and Cleanse  there times and Briefly (Muwalah)

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