Minggu, 27 Maret 2016



The explanation of marriage law
The laws of marriage and related to it from laws and justice, the marriage is optional to some one needs it, and for freeman can take in marriage four free-women and for slave can take in marriage two women and freeman can not take in marriage the slave except bt two requirements, hasn’t bride price (Mahar) to free-woman and afraid of any sexual act outside of marriage (Zinah). Man can look at women on seven matters, namely:
1.      Man looks at other women without requirement. So it’s not permitted.
2.      Husband looks at his wife and slave, so it’s permitted looking at to something except their vagina.
3.      Man looks at his family or woman slave that is taken in marriage; it can look at it except between the navel and knees.
4.      Looking at because of taking marriage, it’s permitted to face and palms.
5.      Looking at for treating, it’s permitted to place that’s needed.
6.      Looking for becoming witness or muamalah. It’s permitted for looking at face specially.
7.      Looking at woman when purchase and sale, it’s permitted to place that’s needed of shuffle.

About Tayammum


The requirements of Tayammum are five, namely:
There is obstacle by the journey or the sick, and Log in prayer time and seeking water and having obstacle for using water and need it after seeking it and Purity dust that is dusty if the dust is a mixture of lime and sand, so it is not sufficient to use.
The pillars of Tayammum are four, namely:
  1. Having intention.
  2. Wiping his face.
  3. Sweeping both hands up to elbow.
  4. Orderly.

The extra of Tayammum are three, namely:
1.      Reading Basmalah.
2.      Beat to the right than left.
3.      Briefly

The cases that abrogate Tayammum are three, namely:
  1. All cases that can abrogate  ritual ablution (Wudu ')
2.       Seeing water in other prayer time
  1. Apostate.
And the bandage user wipes the bandage and takes Tayammun and takes prayer and it’s no repeated any more, if bandage user puts the bandage on clean and takes Tayammum to every fardlu prayer and takes prayer by one tayammum to extra prayer what the bandage user wants.

The Pillers Of wudu'


The pillars of ritual ablution are six, namely:
1.      Having Intention when cleaning face.
2.      Cleansing  face
3.      Wash your hands till elbows.
4.      Sweeping some heads.
5.      Clean both feet till ankles.
6.      Orderly of something is mentioned.

The extra of ritual ablution are ten, namely:
Reading Basmalah, and Washing palms before entering to container and the rinse and the slurp the water into the nose and Sweeping all of heads and Sweeping of ears by new water, outside and inside and Thrust of thick beards and Thrush between fingers of hands and feet and beat to the right than left and Cleanse  there times and Briefly (Muwalah)