Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

Section: about laws of Qadzaf (accuse of sexual act outside of marriage)

Section:  about laws of Qadzaf (accuse of sexual act outside of marriage) and according linguist: “throwing” whereas according to canon law (syara’) is “accusing fornicated by denigrating, in order that it counts out from fornicating.
If someone accuses fornicating to others, is like his said: “you fornicated”, so he get law of Qadzaf (accuse of sexual act outside of marriage) as many eighty whiplash times, is like explanation that will be explained. If accuser is not father and mother till to on top of them, It will be explained.
(Getting the law of Qadzaf) because of comply with eight requirements, but three of eight are accuser requirement him selves, are, he is mature (baligh) and senses (berakal), whereas the child and crazy man won’t get punishment from their accusing of fornicating to someone. And someone that accuser is not parents, if a father or a mother accuses their child, so they won’t get punishment.
And five of eight is to accuser his selves, are, Islam, mature (baligh), senses (berakal), independent and someone that keeps from formicating (man of renowned). so, he won’t get punishment for accusing of someone formicating to unbeliever, small child, crazy man, servant or someone that likes formicating.
The law of formicating accusing can be canceled from accuser, by three ways, are,
1.      Accuser has proof, although someone that is accused as his wife or not.
2.      Said by Mushannif  “Culprit apologizes to accuser”.
3.      Said by Mushannif  “accuser take the oath of the li’an)”

Hadful Qodaf dan Li'an

This Section: the laws explanation of Qodzaf  (accuse of sexual act outside of marriage) and take of oath of Li’an. The Li’an Word according to linguistic is masder of La’ni word. The meaning “far” and according to canon law (syara’) is some special syllables to be become proof or reason for someone that is perforce or needed to accuse someone that contaminate his bed mate, and someone that is perforce feels a blot on the escutcheon or gets ignominy.
When husband accuses his wife doing any sexual act outside of marriage (zinah), so he gets the law of accusing of any sexual act outside of marriage (zinah), it will be explained later. That the punishment of accusing of any sexual act outside of marriage (Zinah) is eighty times, except the husband that accuses can give witness (proof) for doing any sexual act outside of marriage (Zinah) of Wife that is accused. Or he takes of oath li’an to his wife that is accused. According to one of explanation explained, “or her husband take of oath li’an because of judge ordering or someone is on judge government law, is like someone is become judge”
Then, in outside of judge in one place that is many peoples, at least four people, on pulpit, the husband says “I testified, by Allah, actually I’m as right man on something that I accuse to my wife, Someone (Fulanah) (the wife is not in this place) from doing sexual act outside of marriage (zinah).” If a wife is in this oath place, so, he gives a sign to her, by words, “my this wife” and if there is child that is not admitted, so he says on some words of li’an, by word: “actually this child is from deed sexual act outside of marriage (zinah). It is not from me”. The words is said by someone that swears li’an until four times.
And someone that swears Li’an saying for fifth times, after judge or someone that be become judge gives advise fearfully by Allah’s torture in the here after, and actually the torture is heavier than torture in the world, (by word) “and I’m ready to carry on Allah’s curse, if I’m as someone lied on accusing my wife from deed sexual act outside of marriage (zinah).
Composer ( Mushannif) Said. “on pulpit, on many facing peoples”  no obligatory on take of oath of Li’an but optional (sunnah).
There are five laws that have relationship by the husband’s li’an oath, although his wife doesn’t take of oath of Li’an. Are:
1.      The canceled of accusing criminal punishment to his wife that is taken of oat Li’an from him. If the women that is taken of oath Li’an is kept or decorous, and canceled of punishment imposed by a religious court from him, if the women is not kept or decorous.
2.      Obligatory gives punishment to zinah criminal, “a wife” although she is Muslim women or unbeliever women, if she doesn’t want to take of oath of li’an.
3.      The breaking of marriage relationship, an other composer said, “divorce forever” it will be divorce externally-internally, although someone that takes of li’an oath leis him selves.
4.      There is no descent (nasab) of the child from someone that takes of Li’am oath. And the women that taken of li’an oath, so, the descent (nasab) of the child still has relationship of her (the meaning, the descent of child still continues to his/her mother).
5.      The forbidden forever to women that taken of Li’an oath, so she is not allowed for someone that takes of Li’an oath getting married and having sexual intercourse of her. Because of ownership way, if the women that taken of Li’an oath is a servant that is bought by him.
Explained in complete religious book, that from five laws there are addition, on of them: is canceled the protection to women that taken of Li’an oath (Mula’inah) in relevancy with rightful husband, if the women doesn’t want to take of lian oath, so that if the husband accuses her again to deed sexual act outside of marriage (zinah). After the husband take li’an, so the husband can not get accusing criminal punishment. (but he will get punishment imposed by a religious court (takzir))
And the canceled of criminal punishment to his wife that is accused because of her li’an oath to her husband, after complete the li’an oath from the husband, if the husband that takes li’an (meli’an) is present in the place, so, the wife that taken li’an (mula’inah) says on her oath of li’an, “I take witness, by Allah, actually someone (fulan) is one of lier, on something that he accuses for me. Is sexual act outside of marriage (zinah).” And she repeats the word four times and the women that is taken of li’an oath (Mutala’inah) says for the fifth times after judge or someone became judge gives advise, by fearing of Allah’s torture in the here after and actually the here after torture is heavier than torture in this world, (by word) “and I’m ready to carry on Allah’s curse, if he (her husband) is as right man on sexual act outside of marriage (zinah) that’s accused for me.
And the words, it’s for someone can be speaking, whereas for someone dumb, so take of li’an oath by sign than can be comprehended.
If someone that takes of li’an oath deputize the syahadah word by oath word, is like, Mula’in says: Ahlifu billah, or (deputize) ghodlbu word by la’ni word, or on the contrary, is like his wife that take of li’an oath (mula’inah): “la’natullahi ilaiyya” (may Allah’s curse is for me) and the husband utterance that takes of li’an oath (mula’in): “ghadhabullah alaiyya” (may Allah’s curse is for me) or mentioned both of ghadhab word and Li’an before complete of witness four time, so the li’an is not valid totality.