Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

Section: about laws of Qadzaf (accuse of sexual act outside of marriage)

Section:  about laws of Qadzaf (accuse of sexual act outside of marriage) and according linguist: “throwing” whereas according to canon law (syara’) is “accusing fornicated by denigrating, in order that it counts out from fornicating.
If someone accuses fornicating to others, is like his said: “you fornicated”, so he get law of Qadzaf (accuse of sexual act outside of marriage) as many eighty whiplash times, is like explanation that will be explained. If accuser is not father and mother till to on top of them, It will be explained.
(Getting the law of Qadzaf) because of comply with eight requirements, but three of eight are accuser requirement him selves, are, he is mature (baligh) and senses (berakal), whereas the child and crazy man won’t get punishment from their accusing of fornicating to someone. And someone that accuser is not parents, if a father or a mother accuses their child, so they won’t get punishment.
And five of eight is to accuser his selves, are, Islam, mature (baligh), senses (berakal), independent and someone that keeps from formicating (man of renowned). so, he won’t get punishment for accusing of someone formicating to unbeliever, small child, crazy man, servant or someone that likes formicating.
The law of formicating accusing can be canceled from accuser, by three ways, are,
1.      Accuser has proof, although someone that is accused as his wife or not.
2.      Said by Mushannif  “Culprit apologizes to accuser”.
3.      Said by Mushannif  “accuser take the oath of the li’an)”

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